A Chat with Anne Sophia, a ‘short hair don’t care’ attitude girl

A Chat with Anne Sophia, a ‘short hair don’t care’ attitude girl

We met up with the ‘short hair don’t care’ attitude girl from Copenhagen to talk everything from chasing the imperfect to why being fearless has a total opposite meaning in her world.
Reading A Chat with Anne Sophia, a ‘short hair don’t care’ attitude girl 3 minutes Next Mags: the new girl of the world

Q: Your life in a hashtag?
A: #fearless. I am not fearless. Actually, I am quite the opposite. However, in my opinion being fearless does not necessarily mean that you are not afraid. I rather think of it as you are fearless if you defy your existing fear and do it anyway. It is natural to be afraid, but it takes a lot to overcome the things we are afraid of and it is so cool when we do it. I have always been good at defying my fears and will always strive to keep being good at it.

Q: Your mantra in life?
A: “Everything happens for a reason”. Pretty clichéd, but it has turned out so many times for me to be true. When something unexpected happens, or when everything feels dark, I always seem to find out why I had to go through it. It could be a break-up or a collaboration that went wrong. It may feel really sad in the moment, but there is always a reason for why it happened. New and better things always find their way.

Q: Your go-to outfit?
A: Jeans and an oversized t-shirt. When I do not know what to wear, I jump straight into a pair of jeans and a big ass t-shirt. Most often my boyfriend’s.

Q: Your favourite season?
A: Spring. I like it when it is not too cold or too hot, so spring is the perfect season for me! I love the uplifting feeling I get when it is starting to get brighter after a long, dark winter.

Q: Your favourite colour?
A: I've always had such a hard time choosing a favorite colour, but right now it's the colour red. Probably mostly because I just dyed my hair red.

Q: Your style icon?
A: Sophia Hadjipanteli is a famous model with monobrows, which she rocks fantastically. She is so cool and different, and I admire her a lot! And then Miley Cyrus. I think that I hardly need to explain why. She is just so weirdly cool, and I love how she plays with different expressions. It is something I cultivate a lot myself. She is the coolest.

Q: Your definition of beauty?
A: Different and imperfect! I am always drawn to special types. I think, for example, that it is so beautiful with a large gap between the front teeth, or as mentioned before Sophia Hadjipanteli with her monobrow. And then girls with short hair. I love it! I really do not think that beauty equals perfection.

All content comes from the website : https://minimumfashion.com/

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